This is a two parter because it started to get really long. This part covers my process of going through the signed exchange set up with a self signed certificate guide and ZEIT Now.

Please read part 1 for my overview of signed exchanges and Zeit Now.

The Process

Here’s the high level process:

  1. Set up and spin up a ZEIT Now instance
  2. Install signed exchange tools
  3. Create an HTML file to enclose in your SXG
  4. Use openssl and the SXG tools to generate the SXG
  5. Place the SXG and certificate on the ZEIT Now instance
  6. Navigate to the SXG (within a specifically configured instance of Chrome) and stare in awe at your URL address bar
Step 1: Set up ZEIT

You can sign up for Zeit here.

Read the documentation for Express in Now. You can take a look at my code here.

With Zeit, you configure a project as normal, but with an additional now.json file. This configures the now deployment: you can set routes, static assets, and build rules for your project.

Step 2: Install the signed exchange tools

The SXG tools require a Go environment, so figure that out. You can follow the guide

Step 3: Create an HTML file to serve

When creating an SXG, you actually enclose the HTML you are serving in the SXG. This essentially means you can put whatever you want in there. In a real world scenario you’d never do that, because you want your site to map to the correct URL no matter how it is served. But it gets to a key concept with SXGs: the original page doesn’t actually matter. The SXG contains all the information required to serve the page with the publisher URL, including the content of the document itself. The publisher’s server does not play a part.

The HTML enclosed in an SXG can be anything, but obviously you are incentivized to serve the correct page.

I would also imagine that any platform that allows SXGs to be served on it (such as Google Search) would eventually take measures to ensure page parity.

For example, in its current state, the HTML served from the AMP Cache is actually different from the HTML that you have hosted on your page. It gets further optimized, so technically it isn’t the same page (though it looks the same). With SXG, this would be fine.

For the purpose of illustration (and to know immediately that the SXG is working), I recommend not using your actual page HTML.

echo "<h1>This is not or is it?</h1>" > sxg_payload.html
Step 4: Use openssl/SXG Tools to generate the SXG

Use openssl in your terminal to create the following files (replace with your preferred domain). Because I don’t like invoking a command I don’t know, I’ll add descriptions of each flag and explain what is happening.

# Generate prime256v1 ecdsa private key.
openssl ecparam -out priv.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
  • ecparam specifies that we want to generate a key using Elliptic Curve cryptography
  • -out priv.key specifies to write out to a file called priv.key
  • -name specifies the usage of a specific set of Elliptic Curve parameters, in this case known as prime256v1
  • -genkey is required to actually generate an EC key. Otherwise, the output will just be EC parameters.
# Create a certificate signing request for the private key.
openssl req -new -sha256 -key priv.key -out cert.csr -subj '/'
  • req specifies that we are creating a signing request
  • -new simply indicates that this is a new request
  • -sha256 is the hash digest we want to sign with
  • -key specifies the key we want to use (in this case generated in the last step)
  • -out lets us name our certificate signing request (.csr) file
  • -subj specifies the subject of the request. In this case, we specify the Common Name (CN) of our server, the Organization (O) name (which is just Test here), and Country (C). You can read more here, there’s a lot more you could add.
# Self-sign the certificate with "CanSignHttpExchanges" extension.
openssl x509 -req -days 360 -in cert.csr -signkey priv.key -out cert.pem \
  -extfile <(echo -e " = ASN1:NULL\")
  • x509 is a multipurpose certificate utility. In this case, we use it to self-sign the certificate
  • -req indicates that we are passing in a certificate signing request (.csr). The default is a certificate
  • -days lets you specify the number of days for which this cert is valid
  • -in specifies the input certificate request
  • -signkey lets you self sign with the provided key
  • -out names the resulting output
  • -extfile points to a file (in this case echo output) that specifies the certificate extensions to use

Now we utilize the extremely useful signed exchange tools.

# Fill in dummy data for OCSP, since the certificate is self-signed.
gen-certurl -pem cert.pem -ocsp <(echo ocsp) > cert.cbor

This command takes the .pem certificate and converts it to application/cert-chain+cbor. Fake OCSP data is used.

Using Now, deploy the cert.cbor file to your server.

The route doesn’t matter, but you’ll have to make sure that cert.cbor file is served using Content-Type: application/cert-chain+cbor.

Write down the route used to get the cert.cbor file, since it will be used in the next command. In my case, I use

Finally, let’s make the actual signed exchange:

gen-signedexchange \
  -uri \
  -content ./sxg_payload.html \
  -certificate cert.pem \
  -privateKey priv.key \
  -certUrl \
  -validityUrl \
  • -uri specifies the URL the SXG will display
  • -content contains the HTML that you want to present
  • -certificate points to the cert.pem file created earlier
  • -privateKey points to the priv.key file created earlier
  • -certUrl points to the cert.cbor file on your HTTPS server
  • -validityUrl presumably contains a message that establishes validity. It doesn’t appear to have to exist, but the domain needs to be the same as the -uri
  • -o specifies what we’ll call the SXG
Step 5: Place the SXG and certificate on the ZEIT Now instance

Everything has been generated. All you really need on your Now service is the cert.cbor file and SXG. You could also have an index.html file that links to the SXG. You can take a look at my specific implementation here.

Step 6: Navigate to the SXG and stare in awe at your URL address bar

Of course, this SXG is not viewable under normal circumstances. When you navigate to the SXG in your browser and use Chrome Dev Tools, you’ll see that there are in fact security measures in place to prevent you from using self-signed exchanges. You need to launch Google Chrome with a specific set of flags, while presenting your specific certificate.


Locally tested SXGs expire in 7 days

The specific command will vary based on OS. On Linux, use google-chrome. I am on a Mac, so I used the following (make sure to quit your existing Chrome instances before invoking):

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome \
--flag-switches-begin \
--enable-features=AllowSignedHTTPExchangeCertsWithoutExtension \
--user-data-dir=/tmp/udd \
--ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list=`openssl x509 -noout -pubkey -in cert.pem | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64` \

You should see something like this:

Clearly this is not :) As you can see, the actual content on doesn’t matter.

Phillip Kriegel

Super speedy sites
